Voice Recognition

Athletic Boosters

If interested in furthering the mission of the Athletic Boosters, we welcome any adult within the Fairfield Union Local community to become a member. Regular meetings are held at 6:00pm on the 4th Wednesday of every other month (unless otherwise noted) beginning in July in the FUHS Library. Executive Committee meetings (closed to the public) will follow all regular meetings.

Meeting Dates 2024-2025

July 24, 2024
September 25, 2024
November 13, 2024 (Special Meeting)
January 22, 2025
March 26, 2025
May 28, 2025

Independent Status

The Athletic Booster organization is an independent organization and is comprised of community volunteers and operates as a separate entity from the Fairfield Union Local Schools.

Athletic Boosters Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When and where are the Athletic Booster meetings held?
    1. Unless otherwise stated, the Athletic Boosters meet on the 4th Wednesday of every other month (beginning in July) at 6:00 pm in the FUHS Library.
  2. Who can attend the Athletic Boosters meetings?
    1. The Fairfield Union Athletic Boosters are an active group of parents and other community
    2. Supporters who support athletic activities and our student athletes through fundraising and
    3. Volunteering. Any citizen, 18 years or older, of good standing in the community are encouraged to attend. It is not necessary to have a child involved in sports to participate.
  3. What is the purpose of the Athletic Boosters?
    1. The Athletic Boosters purpose is to support athletic activities and our student athletes through volunteering. We also desire to promote to improve facilities and equipment necessary to provide a quality program in athletics for the school district. Please note, this purpose is accomplished by the Athletic Funding provided to coaches and through Capital Improvements.
 Should you have any questions not addressed, please feel free to contact any Athletic Booster member or send a question to us through our Facebook page.
Our question to you is this, Will YOU please join us to help make the experiences of our student athletes a memory that will last a lifetime? We hope to see you at the next meeting.
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