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Fairfield Union Local Schools News Article

Fairfield Union Competes at the Big E 2022

The Big E is an annual autumn extravaganza entertainment fair that exhibits livestock and agricultural developments to the people of the Northeastern region of the United States for more than a century. The Fairfield Union FFA Chapter has exceptional leaders who will be competing at the fair this year in the horse judging competition. 

The purpose of the National FFA Horse Evaluation Career Development Event is to promote the study in equine sciences, encourage experiential learning, and provide recognition for those who have demonstrated skills and competencies as a result of instruction in equine science. The horse judging team competed at the Ohio FFA preliminary equine judging competition in March 2022 and qualified for the finals in May 2022, where the team placed 4th out of 96 teams. Our students will compete at the Big E. The qualifying team consists of 2022 graduate Jadin Triplett, juniors Mackenzie Chilcote and Ella Kimball, and sophomore Emma Daubenmire. Mackenzie Chilcote placed 3rd overall individually in the contest as well. 

This is the first time in Fairfield Union history that a team has qualified to compete at the Big E as an Ohio FFA team representative. The students will compete at the Big E on September 17, 2022 in Springfield, Massachusetts. We are proud of their accomplishments and wish the team the best of luck.

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agriculture education. The primary goal for all Big E FFA events is to provide a learning experience for all participants.

The National FFA Organization, formerly known as the Future Farmers of America, comprises 850,823 FFA members, aged 12-21, in 8,995 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

Contact:         Christine Balint

                        6675 Cincinnati-Zanesville Road NE

                        Lancaster, OH 43130

Phone:            740.536.7306 x2671

E-Mail:           [email protected]

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