Voice Recognition

Fairfield Union Local Schools News Article

F.U.L.L. Community Day 2024

Fairfield Union Land Lab (F.U.L.L.) Exploration "Community Day" will be held September 7, 2024 from noon to 3 p.m.  on the middle school/high school campus.  This activity will showcase what we believe is the finest land lab in the Central Ohio area.  Our facility features woodlands, walking and running trails, the "Baker Covered Bridge", an "Adena" Indian Mound (dating form 800 B.C.-100 A.D.), a 19th century stone home and barn foundation, a shelter house/outdoor classroom and it is located on the historic Zane Trace (the first official road constructed in the Northwest Territory).
Numerous improvements have been made since our initial "Community Day" which was held on October 3, 2015.  Through contract and volunteer labor, we have expanded our walking and running trails, completed the permanent dock on the large pond, constructed a new outdoor classroom/shelter-house, built a new dam and overflow on both the small and large ponds, opened up access to the 19th century stone house and barn foundations, added safety railing on the dock, implemented a forest management plan, removed unsafe ash trees, added tile drainage and drive way pipes, installed a new roof on the covered bridge and repaired wooden timbers where needed, painted the covered bridge, added trail marker guide posts, planted numerous oak and maple trees, installed wooden benches, replaced several foot bridges with culverts and have continued to mow and trim the public areas of the land lab.
Do we have an agenda, YES!  We want you to see and experience your exceptional outdoor laboratory facility.  As a member of our community/extended community, you are a stake holder and may benefit from this great recreational and educational property. We encourage our staff, students and community to use all aspects of our land laboratory on a regular basis.
This open house program will feature recreational trail walking, guided tours, historic pictures, student art work, local exhibitors and demonstrations, family-oriented activities, free refreshments and the 227th year of the Zane Trac which opened settlement of the Ohio region of the Northwest Territory.
A brief, formal program will be held at 1:00 p.m. in the outdoor classroom/shelter house, allowing time both before and after for “Full Exploration” of your land lab.  Honorary Chairpersons will be introduced and information about the facility will also be shared.  Your visit may be as long as your personal schedule will allow.  Feel free to come and go at your own pace throughout this special afternoon. 
Many improvements to the land lab have been made possible through the financial donations and volunteer labor from our community members and friends.  Please join us!

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